Whose that crazy Chicken Lady?


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Emergency Preparedness- Medical kit

I didn't take a picture of this one. Sorry!

We took advantage of a few Buy 1 get 1 deals, hit Aldi, resale shops, garage sales and just had a small stash of things of our own to add to our kit. It goes beyond a few bandages and some asprin.

Think about the possiblity of keeping a bit of spare medication that you need monthly. Even if it is a weeks worth. Of course rotating your stock of med's is necessary. The arguement and studies of how long medication lasts is questionable. Do your own research and ask a doctor if need be.

We were crusing Wally world and Terry found this really neat looking tackle bag that is suited for our needs. Oh, alright! I'll take a picture later. LOL!

Maybe all this seems like overkill or just silly to someone. What can it hurt?
Again, we used Excel to make the our list in. We can add categories or take them away. Of course add or subtract things we don't use or do use. Do what works for you!

As the Boy Scout motto goes- "Be prepared!"

Item Quantity Size Expires
Safety pins 21
Rectal Thermometer 1
Curved sharp/blunt Scissors 1
Kelly Hemostat Forceps 1
X-Acto blades 3
X-Acto Knife 1
Nail Clippers 1
Small tooth comb 1
Tweezers 2
Dental picks 2
Perineal Ice pack 2
Ice pack 1
Stethoscope 1
Blood pressure cuff 1
Masks 19
Tongue Depressor 4 1/2
Cotton balls 40
Q-tips 55
10 cc syringes 4
Needles 7
Latex Med gloves 6
Alcohol Wipes 23
Dermoplast Antibact spray 1
Oragel 1                .25 oz 11-Aug
Lysol Spray 1                1.0 oz
Carmex 1                .35 oz
Surgical Lube Sterile 1                    2 oz 12-Jul
Calamine Lotion 1
Hydrogen Peroxide 1
Rhuli Anti-itch gel 1                     2 oz
Hemorid 1                     1 oz Dec-98
Aspercreme 1               1.25 oz Feb-97
Triple Antibiotic cream 1                 .33 oz 12-Mar
Triple Antibiotic cream 1                     1 oz 10-Mar
Neosprin 1                 0.5 oz 7-Jun
Antibacterial get 1                     1 oz
Murine Ear Drops 1                 0.5 oz 6-Nov
Refresh Tears 1                 0.5 oz 2-Nov
Daytime Bengay 1                     1 oz
Westcort Cream 1                 0.2 oz Oct-99
Ear Wax Remover 1
1 tsp Medicine syringe 1
Huge band-aids 6
Ex Large band-aids 6
Large band-aids 1
Finger band-aids Large 48
Medium band-aids 97
Small band-aids 2
Round band-aids 20
Gauze Sponge  11 4x4
Gauze Sponge  5 2x2
Sterile Pads  10 3x3
Sterile Pads  10 2x2
Non-stick pads  12 2x3
Non-stick pads  8 1 1/2x2
ABD pad 1 8x71/2
ABD pad 1 5x9
All purpose sponges 5
Gauze 2 2
Gauze 1 1
Ace Bandages 3
Tape rolls 3
First Aid Tape Waterproof 1
Baby Powder 1
Iodine 1 8 oz
Antacids 15
Vitamin C 500 mg 18
Valtrex 500 mg 14
Cystex Urinary pain tablets 6
Azo Cranberry (rrinary sup) 15
Azo Cranberry (urinary sup) 2
Ibuprofen 87
Advil 7
Nasal decongestant 20
Advil Cold & Sinus 7
Anti-Diarrheal 9
Acetominphen 47
Oxycodone 9
Antihistamine 10
Benadryl 64

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